$276 Billion EV Battery Market: Soaring Battery Metal Demand Sets the Stage for Little-Known Explorer's Recent Acquisition in Lithium's "Silicon Valley"

See why now could be the best time to start your research on Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB:EVKRF) (TSXV:CELL)

Price Targets






7 Reasons Why Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL)

Could See Significant Upside Potential In 2024

Excess Working Capital: As of June 2023, Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has $4.8 million Canadian dollars ($3.6 million U.S. dollars) in unallocated working capital to carry out their exploration programs on their portfolio of lithium and nickel projects. (29)

Strong Company Assets: Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) owns six million shares of Surge Battery Metals Inc (OTC: NILIF) (TSXV:NILI). The management team at Grid Battery Metals was also the founding management team of Surge Battery Metals and is very experienced in Nevada Lithium exploration for over a decade. As of July 2023, these marketable shares are worth another $3 million Canadian dollars ($2.260 U.S. dollars). Surge Battery Metals has a significant lithium discovery in Northern Nevada, originally located through the hard work of its founding management and geological teams in Nevada. (29)

World Class Mining-Friendly Jurisdictions: Grid Battery Metals (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has a diversified portfolio of lithium and nickel exploration targets located in mining friendly jurisdictions of Nevada and British Columbia, Canada. This year the state of Nevada was determined to be the most attractive jurisdiction for mining investment in the world because of its mining-friendly regulations, investment climate, carbon neutral hydro electricity grid and skilled labor force. (15)

Strategic Land Holdings: Grid Battery Metals (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) has acquired a key lithium exploration property that adjoins the southern border of the Nevada North Lithium Project owned by Surge Battery Metals (OTC: NILIF) (TSXV:NILI). (3) The Surge Battery Metals discovery totals 303 mineral claims and has identified strong mineralized lithium bearing clays with an average lithium content of 3254 ppm. (30) As mentioned earlier, the Grid Battery Metals management and exploration team founded Surge Battery Metals and is responsible for this discovery in Northern Nevada. (25)(31)

Emerging Opportunities: The same investment group that founded Surge Battery Metals have recently funded Grid Battery Metals and share the vision that Nevada has become the epicenter for lithium clay and lithium brine-based exploration. Early-stage exploration plans are under way by Grid Battery Metals on its properties. (15)

Rising Demand: With an evident surging demand for EV Battery Metals, in addition to Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which pushes for more North American sources of battery metals, Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) aligns its operations with these prevailing industry dynamics. (15)

Seasoned Management Team: Backed by a seasoned management team and knowledgeable advisors specializing in mineral exploration, development, and capital acquisition, Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) is one to watch closely. (25)


Grid Battery Exploration Team Reports its MT Geophysics Survey Results on the Clayton Valley Lithium Project

Tesla's Nevada Plant Gears Up For Groundbreaking Battery Cell Production With $3.6 Billion Investment(5)

Tesla, Inc. (Nasdaq: TSLA), the world’s leading electric vehicle manufacturer, recently announced a major expansion of its Nevada assembly plant, with a substantial investment in the production of a new type of battery cell and a dedicated factory for its Semi truck. The company plans to invest $3.6 billion in a plant dedicated to manufacturing 4680 lithium-ion cells and a facility for producing the Tesla Semi. (5)

As the demand for battery metals like lithium continues to soar, companies like Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL) are poised to benefit from this growing market. (15)

Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) (TSXV: CELL), with its focus on exploration and acquisition of battery metals required for the EV market, stands as one battery metals exploration company to keep a close eye on. (15)

U.S Electric Vehicle Sales Up 66%, Rise To 7% Of U.S. Auto Sales

Exclusive Interview: Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB:EVKRF) (TSXV:CELL) CEO Unveils Nickel And Lithium Prospects

Volatility Meets Potential

We have tested this level multiple times and had strong moves multiple times. Now we are in an ideal risk-to-reward zone again.

Consistently holds of this strong historical support level with violence to the upside

Ideal risk-to-reward for valuation investors as well as technical speculative traders alike

Volume over 150k on the daily chart, we are watching for volume over 25k within the first hour of market open as a precursor to our bullish breakout.


$0.0680 (+90.48%)

$0.1115 (+212.35%)

$0.1597 (+347.34%)

$0.1830 (+412.61%)


Grid Battery Metals Inc.


Grid Battery Metals Strong Balance Sheet Expedites Exploring Premium Lithium And Nickel Assets

Grid Battery Metals Inc. (OTCQB: EVKRF) has what many of its peers don't- a strong balance sheet. In fact, EVKRF recently announced that it's fully funded to complete all of the next year's exploration initiatives. That's more than a distinction; it's a value driver. And at current share prices, and with EVKRF being better positioned than ever to expedite exploration activities, it's one of many contributing to a value proposition too good to ignore.

Many investors aren't. They recognize what EVKRF is telling the markets and potential investors: EVKRF is timely to massive revenue-generating opportunities with an in-progress program to extract value from its 100% owned interests in properties owned in mining-friendly Nevada and British Columbia. But not just any locations. EVKRF is exploring where historical precedent supports significant potential and likelihood to unearth considerable lithium and nickel reserves. If precedent holds, a strong case supports a steepening trajectory for EVKRF's share price. That's not an overly ambitious proposition.

It's supported by knowing that even sitting atop proven reserves can be an enormous value driver. That's evidenced by precious metals miners earning market caps in the billions before bringing even an ounce of metal to the surface. That same potential is in play for Grid Battery Metals, especially with major EV and battery sector companies needing what EVKRF intends to provide- lithium and nickel.

Grid Battery Metals Inc.


Demand For Lithium And Nickel Is Surging

Indeed, like every exploration and mining company, EVKRF is a speculative play. However, in this case, the speculative nature is mitigated by EVKRF being in the right places with the right assets at the right time. Still, location is just one part of the equation. To be successful, miners need to earn revenues higher than expenses, an intention EVKRF has by serving EV and battery metals market clients that are expected to generate an over trillion-dollar combined revenue generating opportunity within the next decade.

Headlines prove that point. Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) CEO Elon Musk makes many, sharing his opinion about the need for lithium and nickel to fuel his products. He's hinted at his company creating its own mining program to support its critical lithium needs. Perhaps that's rhetoric, but it does expose how valuable being positioned to provide these battery metals can be. In addition to supporting the virtually limitless near-term market potential for small exploration companies like EVKRF, it opens doors to partnership opportunities. That makes sense. Getting the proper permits to explore can take decades. And from there, it can take years to bring lithium and other battery metals above ground.

Hence, a better, faster, and more efficient strategy would be for these behemoths to instead partner with a company already permitted and showing potential to tap into vast reserves. Grid Battery Metals checks those boxes. And interest can come from many besides Tesla. General Motors (NYSE: GM), Ford (NYSE: F), Stellantis (NYSE: STLA), and Rivian Automotive (NASDAQ: RIVN) are other names sharing an interest in sourcing every bit of lithium and nickel they can find to power their battery-powered vehicles. And while demand is skyrocketing in 2023, it's expected to increase from here, with estimates suggesting that over 60% of cars will be battery-powered by 2030.

Those numbers support EVKRF being in the sweet spot of opportunity. And in this instance, share price size doesn't matter; having the right assets to explore does. Grid Battery Metals checks that box as well. In fact, EVKRF has 100% interest in claims in Nevada and British Columbia, two of the world's most mining-friendly jurisdictions. That positions them well to capitalize on and maximize its revenue-generating opportunities through a go-it-alone or partnership strategy. And remember that the EV sector is just one contributor to EVKRF's mission to grow bigger. Battery producers also need mountains of these critical metals to support their business, which opens billions more in potential dollars earned.

Grid Battery Metals Inc.


Grid Battery Assets Located Near Proven Locations

Capturing its share of that potential is certainly in the Grid Battery playbook. That expectation can materialize from EVKRF doing an excellent job of aligning itself with the battery metals sector's vision and mission to reduce carbon footprints and excavate in an environmentally friendly way. Grid Battery is more than supportive of those measures; it can achieve them using a low-overhead exploration strategy that replaces outdated and environmentally destructive exploration and development models.

That difference matters. As importantly, embracing those values can be the difference between getting permits and clients or not. Grid Battery has created its plan to ensure scoring both. That's timely, especially ahead of undeniable global consumer trends and initiatives supporting eliminating fossil and carbon fuels as a primary power source. The auto manufacturers are the front line and are doing their part to produce more EVs for sale on a consecutive yearly basis. That production number continues to grow, compounding from the number of car and truck models designed, built, offered, and sold. And that already compounding rate is rising as governments offer EV subsidies for consumers and manufacturers, shifting an already fast pace of adoption into warp speed. Tesla alone is on a mission to produce and sell twenty million EVs annually by 2030. But know this: those vehicles are just shiny showroom models without batteries. And Tesla is only one manufacturer. The Big Three automakers and niche sellers expect to sell millions as well.

That's excellent news for a company like Grid Battery Metals, which can equate EV sector growth with the number of batteries needed to power the products. In that respect, even the most bearish expectations for EV market penetration require upwards of 10X current battery production. It's a tall order indeed. However, to help meet that need, Canada and the US, among others, have committed to supporting the mining industry, evidenced by legislation providing financial and functional support to the mining industry as part of a more significant intention of transforming a current carbon-burning products environment into clean power technology.

Grid Battery Metals Inc.


Grid Battery Metals Inc.Exploring Premium Locations At Mining-Friendly Jurisdictions

Grid Battery intends to contribute to that transformation, a goal they can achieve through an impressive and promising asset portfolio that continues to strengthen. In 2023, the company added two highly prospective lithium properties to its Nevada portfolio, the Texas Springs Property, and the Volt Canyon Property, increasing its Nevada prospects that already included its Clayton Valley Lithium assets. Management noted that its team is exploring the Texas Springs Property, with planned summer/fall 2023 exploration underway. It comprises a CSAMT geophysical survey and a detailed soil sampling of 50 m X 100 m spacing. The CSAMT survey is used to gather information about subsurface resistivity and geology, which can help predict geological structures and locations for lithium. Results from the two exploration programs will help define and design its 2024 exploration plan, including identifying possible drilling locations for clay-based lithium targets.

EVKRF is optimistic they can extract the value associated with each site. The company noted that its Texas Springs Property adjoins the southern border of Surge Battery Metals' (TSXV: NILI, OTC: NILIF) Nevada North Lithium Project, which, in its first round of drilling, identified strongly mineralized lithium-bearing clays. Further supporting EVKRF optimism, Surge Battery recently announced the results of its most recent drilling program at this property, saying it recorded its highest grades to date, with up to 8070 ppm Lithium on the Northern Nevada Lithium project.

Grid Battery is equally optimistic about its Clayton Valley Lithium Project. There, they intend to follow the recommendations of its NI #43-101 Technical Report to continue a multi-phased exploration program. The initial phase includes building the geologic infrastructure through data compilation and initial auger sampling to collect lake-bed material below the sand dunes and alluvial cover. The second phase will help determine the sub-surface structure and topography to identify drill targets following a geophysical survey using gravity, seismic, or magnetotelluric techniques. Phase three would be to drill the best targets identified in the first two phases, including drilling, assaying, permits, and reporting.

Grid Battery Metals Inc.


Exploiting Inherent Value In Q4/2023 And 2024

All told, heading into Q4 and next year, Grid Battery looks ideally positioned to exploit value from its promising assets. That position exposes a valuation disconnect between share price, assets, and inherent potential. In fact, a strong case can be made that EVKRF could be on track to re-claim its 52-week high of $0.17, over 113% higher than its current price.

That bullish assessment isn't made on blind faith. Instead, it's one supported by tangibles as well as inherent potentials, including value from its 100% interest in the Texas Spring Property, its 100% interest in 113 lithium lode and placer claims covering over 640 hectares in Clayton Valley, and its 100% interest in 80 placer claims covering approximately 635 hectares of alluvial sediments and clays located 122 km northeast of Tonopah, Nevada, at its Volt Canyon Lithium project. And those aren't the only value drivers.

Grid Battery is exploring additional opportunities related to its British Columbia nickel projects. Its Mount Sidney Williams Group consists of three claim blocks with a total area of 10,569 hectares. Notably, those are nearby and, in some instances, adjoin the Decar project of FPX Nickel Corp. (OTC Other: FPOCF). Its Mitchell Range Group area claim consists of one claim block covering 8,659 hectares with demonstrated metallic mineralization, including nickel, cobalt, and chromium.

Here's the bottom line: Grid Battery Metals value proposition isn't built on hype; it's presented by assets owned, pace of exploration, a balance sheet that can fund operations, and, as importantly, getting nearer to the potential of delivering critical battery metals to massive global demand. That combination presents more than an attractive investment opportunity. Because it puts monetization in the crosshairs, either alone or through a partnership, it exposes a compelling one.


  • Source 1: https://gridbatterymetals.com/
  • Source 2: https://gridbatterymetals.com/news/
  • Source 3: https://gridbatterymetals.com/corporate-presentation/
  • Source 4: https://gridbatterymetals.com/corporate-factsheet/
  • Source 5: https://gridbatterymetals.com/exploration-projects/
  • Source 6: https://gridbatterymetals.com/texas-spring/
  • Source 7: https://gridbatterymetals.com/clayton-valley-project/
  • Source 8: https://gridbatterymetals.com/volt-canyon/
  • Source 9: https://gridbatterymetals.com/grid-nickel-group/
  • Source 10: https://gridbatterymetals.com/management/
  • Source 11: https://gridbatterymetals.com/corporate-governance/
  • Source 12: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/EVKRF/
  • Source 13: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/grid-battery-metals-announces-plan-113000179.html
  • Source 14: https://gridbatterymetals.com/grid-battery-metals-provides-a-financial-update/
  • Source 15: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/grid-battery-exploration-team-reports-113000008.html


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